Thursday, 9 July 2015

Facility Assignment Number 2: Underpasses, Bike Lanes, and Advisory Bike Lanes

Hello all 3 people that read my blog! On July 7th, our class broke into groups and rode our bikes around the city to look at 3 underpasses, Netherlands' bike lanes and advisory bike lanes.  The follow post are the main points from our groups final report which can be found here:  <link will be inserted soon>

The following are some key design elements noticed in the underpasses we visited.
- the ramps length is balanced between the grade and available space
- proper lighting in the underpass so no one can hide or so anything shady
- should be able to see all the way through the tunnel
- eliminates the conflicts between opposing vehicle traffic and the bicyclists and pedestrians
- increases permeability for residents and commuters in the community.  Underpasses are spaced around 500 meters from the next crossing.

Hoventunnel which goes under a roadway
Bike Lanes
The following are some design elements and observations about bike lanes:
- bike lanes are a space on the roadway for bicycles that are only separated by traffic by a stripe
- bike lanes in the Netherlands function similarly than US bike lanes
- on average 6 ft wide
- the drainage area/curb/gutter is much smaller than in the US so the bike lanes feel larger. It was much easier to ride next to a friend

Differences than US bike lanes
- painted/colored asphalt color = red
- well maintained markings
- the bike lanes are respected by drivers
- occur on lower speed streets (> 30 kph).  If the road is over 30 kph, then a cycle track would be installed
- better lighting, better designated bike lanes at intersections
- bikes have their own signals
- the drainage gates are smaller than your wheel so you don't get caught in them

Typical bike lane in Delft

Advisory Lanes
The following are some design elements and observations about advisory bike lanes:
- this treatment is typically found on local roads with little vehicle traffic.  The advisory bike lane is striped with a
- gives the bikes a space even when there isn't room for a protected bike space.
- no centerline on the roadway forces the cars to slow down when passing opposing vehicles
- acts as a traffic calming measure to slow the vehicles down when two cars try to pass each other.  The because the advisory bike lanes are striped with a dotted stripe cars can swerve into them if needed
- The cars waited for a gap to pass other vehicles and bikes
- great for streets with low vehicle volumes, and a speed limit under 30 kph

Advisory Bike Lane on a residential street
Advisory bike lane where the space designation changes are made with red asphalt and bricks

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you mentioned the maintenance of the pavement markings. Except in areas where there is significant construction, this is a key difference between the Netherlands and the U.S. There are certain things that seem to work so much better in Holland than in America and this is one piece of the puzzle related to making cycling infrastructure work is clear delineation of space for the users of the street.
